Saturday, April 10, 2010

Last month, my family and I watched the movie Fireproof over at Pauline Books & Media for a movie night. Even though Valentine's Day was already over by that time, I thought it was the perfect movie for Lent and Easter.

John Holt: Has she thanked you for anything you've done the last 20 days?
Caleb Holt: No! And you'd think after I washed the car, I've changed the oil, do the dishes, cleaned the house, that she would try to show me a little bit of gratitude. But she doesn't! In fact, when I come home, she makes me like I'm - like I'm an enemy! I'm not even welcome in my own home, Dad. That is what really ticks me off! Dad, for the last three weeks, I have bent over backwards for her. I have tried to demonstrate that I still care about this relationship. I bought her flowers, which she threw away. I have taken her insults and her sarcasm, but last night was it. I made dinner for her. I did everything I could to demonstrate that I care about her, to show value for her, and she spat in my face! She does not deserve this, Dad. I'm not doing it anymore! How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over who constantly rejects me?

...but that's exactly what God does for us - has done for us since He created us. That's exactly what we celebrate during the last few gasps in the Triduum and in the great feast of Easter: God's ever faithful Love to those who don't deserve it.
It's obvious that we don't. When Our Lord gave us the most precious gift of Himself in the Eucharist, Judas was in the very act of betraying Him. People rejoiced at his arrival in Jerusalem, only to shout insults and spit on Him on the way to the Cross how many hours later! How frustrating is that?? After God's Son become one of us and spent all those years in befriending and teaching? After all that and only a few had the courage to stand by His Cross at the end?
Yet through all of humanity's failings, such a beautiful thing occurs! God picks us up from out mud heap and washes us clean to shine with Him in the glory of Easter. He scoops us up and brings us to Himself and dances with us around all creation in victory. He pulls us into the celebration of joyful song and dance! Why...? Because that's what - or rather Who - True Love is. Remember Saint Paul's letter to the Corinthians on love? God is every one of those definitions. He is pure undying Love holding out His hand.
Now the question is, will you accept?

"Your Love makes me forget what I have been
Your Love makes me see who I really am."

...and it's only with God's Love that we can be all who we were made to be: His children.

Have a Blessed Easter, everyone! ^_^

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