Sunday, January 9, 2011

So what'cha doing this week?

January 9 – 15, 2011
From Fr. Peter Dumag, Director of Vocations
Source: Catholic Hawaii

January 9 – 15, 2011 is National Vocations Awareness Week. It begins with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. Let us remember to pray for priests and consecrated men and women this week, and for married couples and families. Send a card to a priest or consecrated person this week, thanking them for the gift of themselves given to Christ and to his body, the Church. Pray for more vocations to priesthood and consecrated life, and consider a vocation to priesthood and consecrated life.

So here's the checklist:

1. Did you pray for priests, consecrated men and women, married couples and their families?

2. Did you thanked your parish priest today? Last week? Last month?...Last year?
"Without the priest, the passion and death of our Lord would be of no avail. It is the priest who continues the work of redemption here on earth...What use would be a house filled with gold, were there no one to open its door? The priest holds the key to the treasures of heaven: it is he who opens the door: he is the steward of the good Lord; the administrator of His goods...The priest is not a priest for himself, he is a priest for you." ~Saint John Vianney
Do you know any consecrated people who have made a difference in your life? Maybe a Nun is your teacher?

3. Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, your divine Son taught us
to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His vineyard.
We earnestly beg you to bless our Diocese and our world
with many priests, deacons and religious who will love you
fervently and gladly and courageously spend their lives
in service to your Son's Church,
especially the poor and the needy.
Bless our families and our children, and choose from our homes
those whom you desire for this holy work.
Teach them to respond generously
and keep them ever faithful in following your Son Jesus Christ,
that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
and with the inspiration of Saint Damien and Blessed Marianne
the Good News of redemption may be brought to all.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Are you discerning a religious vocation? =) Well, here are some links to help you with #4:
Ministry of Vocations, Hawaii
Are You Discerning God's Will For Your Life? (a local blog)
A Nun's Life, Vocation Forum
VISION Vocation Network

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