Monday, June 29, 2009

Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

Pictures from here.

Happy feast day!!
And so ends the Year of Saint it's the Year for Priests.

Oh, please keep Jon Cabico in your prayers. He will be ordained a priest today at the Cathedral! Thanks.

1 comment:

Mr. Jack said...

Believe it or not, I'm kind of sad that the Year of St. Paul has come to an end. I'm glad, though, that our wonderful Pope has determined that we'll now be celebrating a very special Year for Priests!

I was able to watch all of Jon Cabico's ordination from afar, thanks to the webcast on the Diocesan website. It was really nice, but seeing the Cathedral again and hearing the nice music (and knowing you folks were there!) made me homesick! (I feel like a refugee here on the mainland!)

PS. I hope good Fr. Jon and all of the others there enjoyed your musical performance as much as I did!