Monday, November 17, 2008

Music galore

Sorry, can't help it! I know I've been posting music left and right, but I just like music...a lot...

Well, I'm not posting the next song just cause it's one of my favorites (or..maybe that's one of the reasons), but because today's reading and one a few days ago reminded me of it. It was the reading about a man who kept calling for Jesus to heal him, and though Jesus did not answer his pleas immediately while others around the man were constantly attempting to muffle him, he kept persisting. That's probably just one viewpoint of the song...

Not to mention, I promised to post it. Sorry, couldn't find one that wasn't so dizzying.

Oh, and it happens to be one of my dad's favorites too.


Otakuboy said...

Oh where, have my readers gone?

Joey said...

I wanted to be a follower of your blog but there is no button.

Cy said...

Whoops, sorry...