Here's what is says on the brochure:
The Pauline Cooperators
St. Paul and
His Spirituality
for Today
Where: Pauline Books & Media
(downtown near the Cathedral)
When: Thursday Evening:
September 25, 2008
October 16, 2008
November 20, 2008
January 15, 2009
February 19, 2009
March 19, 2009
April 16, 2009
May 21, 2009
June 18, 2009
Time: 6:00-8:00
Registration fee: $20.00
Registration: September 25, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
or by mail, email, or phone.
Please see registration form.
Topics included:
-Paul's conversion experience
-Who is Jesus for Paul? Who is Jesus for me?
-The Eucharist
-The mystery of sin, death, and resurrection
-The Mystical Body and living in charity
The St. Paul and His Spirituality for Today course combines:
-Reflection of aspects of St. Paul's life and thought as found in Scripture.
-Applications for contemporary spirituality and life as found in the Pauline thought and spirituality of Blessed James Alberione.
The participant is enabled to know Saint Paul better as a person, apostle, and lover of Jesus Christ and to become more like him by living the Pauline spirituality.
The methods used in this course facilitate adult learning and integration the content into personal life. These include PowerPoint presentations, prayer, activities, discussions, study and personal sharing.
And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Phil 1:2-5)
For registration forms, please contact my Mom.
Hope to see you there!! :-D
Picture from Patron Saints Index