For the spirit of Aloha

For my parents, mum and da
For siblings to play pillow fight with
Little brother, baby, sis
For wonderful friends with whom I play
Soccer, basketball, and talk the day away
For the tiny members of my family
Dogs, cats, birds, fish, and rabbits so cuddly
For books to read of adventures past
For being able to read, long books and fast
For the holidays that speckle the year
They remind us to be loving and full of cheer
For the beauty that surrounds us each day
For the cool rain that falls each May.
For the delicious food we eat
Even vegetables, carrots, celery, beet
For the Eurcharist we receive on Sunday
For each day of the week, even Monday
For the music that fills our hearts
Piano, clarinet, trumpet, harp
For all the blessings that have past
And all that came at long last
For the gift of hope in our strife
For the amazing and glorious gift of life
For the whole year God, we thank you
And for your love so kind and true
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